  • 联系人:刘晓慧 (女)
  • 手 机:18738367415
  • 座 机:0373-3510262
  • 点击这里给我发消息 点击这里给我发消息
  • Q Q:980016824
  • 邮 箱:xxjdgs@163.com
  • 地 址:河南省新乡市高新区火炬园
  • 0373-3510262
您当前位置:新乡市杰达精密电子器件有限公司 >> 关于我们 >> 频道首页
JIEEDA 杰达是国内首家研发并批量生产不锈钢厚膜加热管(体)的高科技企业,其产品集安全、高效、环保、耐用、小巧、定制等诸多
JIEEDA is a high-tech company, and it is the first one in China to start R&D of thick film stainless steel tubular heater
, and it is the first domestic company that achieved mass production. The thick film heater is new heating element of combing
the advantages of traditional heaters, and its features are safe, efficiet, environmental protection, durable, compact and
customization. After many years of development, experiment and improvement, JIEEDA’s advanced production technology has become
mature, stable production performance and perfect application solution. In the practical applications of the thick film stainless
steel tubular heater (such as: thick film tubular heater, water dispenser, electric water heater, Refrigerator, MINI water heater,
electric faucet, electric kettle, steam generator and heat pump heater), the thermal efficiency of household appliances can reach
96% above, and working life is more than 6000 hours.